Guidelines on Application
1.The applicant organisation shall submit the Application Form duly completed in either English or Chinese.
2.All monetary figures should be in Hong Kong currency.
3.Applicant organisations are advised to read the CreateSmart Initiative Guide (“CSI Guide”), which is available on CreateSmart Initiative website at, to understand the features, terms and conditions before completing this Application Form.
4.The applicant organisation must submit the following documents (if applicable) together with the completed Application Form, including but not limited to :
(a)business registration certificate of the applicant organisation (and proof of exemption from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance if applicable) 1;
(b)certificate of Incorporation of the applicant organisation 1;
(c)latest financial statement or audited accounts of the applicant organisation 1;
(d)(where applicable) agreements signed between the applicant organisation and third-party financiers / sponsors proving that third-party financing / sponsor for the Project has been secured to the satisfaction of the Government;
5.The CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat will verify the eligibility of the applicant organisation and all information in the application. The Secretariat may require the applicant organisation, where necessary, to clarify the information provided and/or submit supplementary information.
Section A
6.The “Applicant Organisation” means the principal organiser of the Project proposed. If the Project involves more than one party, you should state clearly in the Application Form which is the principal applicant and which is/are the Collaborating Party(ies).
7.Applications from organisations not incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will NOT be considered.
8.Please note that all applicant organisations are required to submit the documents listed under paragraph 4, unless
(a)the applicant organisation is a Government Bureau or Department; or
(b)the Secretariat has recommended to the Government that an exception be granted.
9.If the applicant organisation is incorporated at least 18 months before the date of its Application, it shall submit to the Government a copy of its latest audited accounts. If the applicant organisation is incorporated less than 18 months before the date of its Application, it shall submit a copy of its latest financial statement.
10.According to Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 (PDPO), the person who fills out the Application Form has a right of access and correction with respect to the personal data provided including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data provided in this Application Form.
11.Please refer to Chapter XII of the CSI Guide for details about “Personal Data”.
Section B
12.The CSI will fund projects with objectives that are in line with our strategic directions to drive the development of the creative industries, namely -
(a)Nurturing a pool of creative human capital which will form the backbone of our creative economy;
(b)facilitating start-ups and development of creative establishments;
(c)generating demand for innovation and creativity and expanding local market size for creative industries;
(d)promoting creative industries on the Mainland and overseas to help explore outside markets;
(e)developing creative clusters in the territory to generate synergy and facilitate exchanges;
(f)fostering a creative atmosphere within the community; and
(g)promoting Hong Kong as Asia’s creative hub.
Section C
13.Please state relevant experience of the applicant organisation’s Project Coordinator and any other project team members/major implementation party, including working experience, achievements, etc.
14.The applicant organisation shall have checked the availability of the persons concerned and obtained their consent before entering their names in the Application Form.
Section D
15.To avoid double subsidy, project elements which will receive or have received funding from other government sources will not receive funding from the CSI. The applicant organisation will NOT be eligible for funding from the CSI if other financial support (whether in the form of equity or loan financing, grant or sponsorship or any other form) from the Government has been granted for the same elements of the project, unless the CSI Vetting Committee recommends the Government that an exception be granted. The following example can be considered as reference :
A project to be held at a venue under the auspices of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). LCSD has agreed to waive the cost of renting the venue.
The above example is used only for illustration purpose. The Government has no obligation to grant funding from the CSI to a project similar to the above example. It will depend on the unique circumstances of each application and will be approved / rejected on a case-to-case basis.
i.Only manpower cost directly arising from the Project will be considered.
ii.The funding support should not be used to pay any emolument to a person who is already on the payroll of the project applicant.
iii.Please refer to Chapter XI of the CSI Guide for details.
i.Equipment means the equipment to be used for carrying out the Project.
ii.Please refer to Chapter XI of the CSI Guide for details.
18.Other Direct Costs
i. Please refer to Chapter XI of the CSI Guide for details.
19.Income means the fees charged for services rendered to the industry. The applicant organisation should state clearly under the “Justifications” column all the assumptions and bases of projection on which the income figures are calculated.
20.Net Amount Requested is the total Project cost after deducting the funding from other sources and expected income generated during the project period. Interest income generated from the funding support should also be included as part of the fund in the financial statement and should be used solely for the purpose of the Project.
Section G
21."Government Finance" means the money that will be or may be provided by the Government to the applicant organisation under the CSI, subject to the provisions in the CSI Guide.
22.Enquiries regarding the application for funding support under the CSI should be addressed to the CSI Secretariat :

Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency
CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat
30/F, Immigration Tower
7 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Tel:(852) 2294 2774
Fax:(852) 3165 1389
1Please refer to paragraph 8 for exceptions.